9 Ways Brands Can Stay Engaged With Customers
Maintaining customer engagement will help brands stay relevant to them. Which is more important than ever for brands. Especially with brands having to find new ways to get in front of their customer's faces without being in person. So how can businesses do that now that was used to invaluable face-to-face contact with customers?
How can brands stay in front of their customer today?
For brands, they must diversify their engagement for this new normal. It is what it is right now. So as a brand, don’t you think it’s important to make adjustments for your business to keep surviving? If your brand has not established an online presence to offer your services in the most effective ways try these ways below.
Even if you offer services that are more in-person like hairdressers and massage therapists these methods can still work. Especially with everyone online more than often these days. It only makes sense to show up where the consumers are in a more impactful way.
Look at how bigger consumer brands quickly boosted their services by offering it online or ways to access their products and services online to get it in person. Other brands have taken note of this and done the same. So even if you consider yourself as a small brand you should be following suit to cash in on the wave of consumers find what they need online.
By making adjustments now you can help make an income from customers. Still, brands like yours and mine need to work out how to keep our customers engaged with our products or services.
9 Ways Brands Can Stay Engaged With Customers
Use livestreaming to give customers a realtime introductions to new products and services. This can be delivered by a representative of the brand or by other customers sharing their experience with it. Giving the feeling of being there as if they visited in person.
Goodwill gestures and rewards
Right now would be a good time to show gestures of goodwill and usable rewards. This will make customers feel thankful and it’ll give them a helpful reminder that the brand is still around and that it’ll still be there when lockdowns are eased. Goodwill gestures can be offering discounts to essential workers or offering a percentage of proceeds to organizations in need.
Keep customers informed
Customers want to feel like they belong and are included with brands. By keeping customers informed with what the brand is up to it’s a reminder to them you know they exist and want them to share in the journey of the brand. Updating customers can be about new products or announcing a charitable scheme. And since they’re online more than usual anyway at the moment, they might even feel more inclined to share it with their network.
Offer value
People want valuable content they can use. This might be through blogs, video, images, livestreams, and so on. Whatever form it comes in, it needs to inspire, entertain and inform.
Take a personalized approach
Customers are tired of chatbots! It makes them feel like their not listened to or valued. Even if it takes longer to respond answering questions and comments is much appreciated more than you know.
Help customers to help others
Use your brand to help your customers to be contributors to the brand. Customers can sometimes take the role of customer service representatives and marketeers, especially on social media, if they’re treated well in the first place. They'll want to help others to learn about your brand.
Reaffirm your mission
Customers should be reminded of what your brand you trying to achieve? What problem does your brand solve? What is your brand's mission? Reminding customers of this helps them to feel the excitement they felt the first time they came across a brand.
Be transparent
Customers respect honesty and transparency, even when things aren’t going so well, When brands communicate openly and trust customers’ perspectives, they'll win trust and strengthen loyalty.
Stay consistent
Remaining consistent is key to building brand loyalty. If a brand is consistent with what it provides, it’ll become ingrained in customers’ minds and loyalty will become second nature. That's what you want as a brand.
Customer engagement with a brand is essential to a brand’s survival. It’s a great time to keep finding new and better ways of delivering services and products to customers. Hopefully, these methods can help your brand find a way to satisfy your customers to keep your brand going!