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You, Me, and Brand Confidence

Believe it or not, I have times when I'm not confident in myself and my ability as a brand strategist and designer. Most of the time it's because of imposter syndrome that comes over me from time to time. 

Especially, when scrolling the gram and see the things my peers or inspirations are doing that I’m trying to do as well as them. Then I start going down a rabbit hole of where I think I should be right now in my career and life. It’s a sucky feeling and emotionally draining!

I use to have a hard time pulling myself out that frame of mind. Being in that frame of mind of lacking confidence kept me from doing a lot of things I'm very well capable of doing! Like teaching an online class (I'm a former high school teacher of graphic and web design), conducting my Brand Clarity Workshop (I see the whole picture the clients has the pieces to put it together but don't know how), and charging more for my work ( because I care, I pour a lot of time and research in the brand's design to be what the client needs it to be to connect with their ideal client and easy to use at any time). I felt like I couldn’t do those things as well as everyone else I see doing it. Like something was wrong with me. Even though I had clients telling me how helpful I was or that they loved the brand I created for them! I even landed a contract with SOBEWFF® as their digital graphic designer under my business and still felt like an imposter! Like I didn’t deserve to get it.

Crazy right! How could I forget all the good things I have accomplished thus far and still lack confidence in my brand? 

When I walk into my office I see this everyday as a consistent reminder to myself.

It was my mindset! The way I viewed and talked to myself was not the greatest! I was always looking for validation from others to feel great about my worth, work, and myself. I thought that would make me feel happy and great about it. I was so wrong and found that out after finally taking some time to invest in myself into courses and coaching I thought I would never need, or pay for! But I did need it. What I found with the help of others is how to look towards myself more, believe in me more, know I am enough, just be me more, and find value in what I have to offer and just let it be. Along with realizing I don't need the approval of others to do what I do, but having their support and keeping me accountable has been a game-changer for me!

I didn’t have that until this year! The funny thing about that is I try so hard to help others build confidence in their brand all the time! I see where it can be and know if the person behind it puts in the work and see what I see, they can bring their brand to the potential where I know it can be! 

Now going through my journey of having a lack of confidence in my brand and myself, I can better see how much harder it is for others to have confidence in their brand and selves to see it through. Especially, when they feel like they what they have to offer is not good enough or feel like they can’t do it. This makes me sad because I know if they fight through it, have support, and give themselves patience they can do it. I have seen it in others and lived it. 

So it’s my wish that anyone who lacks confidence in themselves and brand to gain it and grows it as big as 100-year-old trees! There is something there waiting to blossom to full bloom because they started their service, product, or organization but scared to let it fully grow! I want to help that person make their brand get to full bloom! Once they get there I know the satisfaction they’ll see it through and be proud of themselves and the brand they knew it could be!


Are you ready to invest in making your brand work, achieving you’re goals, and connect with your perfect client.

Then it's time to focus on smart strategy and branding.  The foundation for launching or growing your passion driven brand starts with a crystal clear strategy that focuses on your why. See if the Brand Clarity Workshop is the right fit for you!