I value the work I do as a designer. However, sometimes when working with a client the value they see in the work I do or even with others doesn’t always translate the same. Sometimes it can because they look at the quote for the work they’re asking for and thinking that there is some easy button to get the branding work they need done. Maybe because they think it can be as easy and fast as they see in their head. Also, could be they’ve seen cheaper prices for À la cart branding pieces. Others just can’t afford the branding that they actually need for their business. I could go on and on about this. However, I do know that I don’t want to undervalue my design skills and work I have acquired over many years.There is value in the progress I have made up to this point in stage of my freelance career thus far.
With that comes having pride and not cheapening my services base off what a client thinks it’s worth. There can be many reasons why a client or customer may not agree with your price point. However, if I KNOW that my services is worth what I’m quoting then I have to just keep sticking with it. I know good work when I see it and especially when it’s my own ( we are our own worst critics as creatives). What do you guys think about how clients and customers view the value of the services you provide?