At the moment....

Well currently I've been an intern and it has been serving as my main and only income. Well, like most internships they don't last very long. The company I'm interning for would like to keep me longer but only can through the internship program that I'm in. So if I continue my hours there will be cut in half.... I need to have a continued source of income and since this internship is not a guarantee position I need to look for another job or get jobs. At the moment I would like to start getting some freelance jobs so I can call myself a true freelancer. So far nothing has come my way....yet. However, I just started out and still trying to find my way in my career. So I understand it will take some time, but I want it to come now!

I've sent what seems like hundreds of resumes and my portfolio to different job posting for graphic design, product design, website, and etc. Nothing has come back to me saying "we'll like to set up an interview" or even" sorry you're not what we're looking for." What I have in return from sending myself out there is silence.

At times it seems a little discouraging but I keep reminding myself that I just got out of school. It would be ideal to have a job in what I exactly wanted to do. The reality is at the moment it's not going to happen the way I want it to. Besides that I have a great internship that is giving me a vital experience that most of my peers coming out of school would need. Now that I think about I just need to chill and let things happen and keep doing what I'm doing. If a job comes along that would be AWESOME. At the mean time I should focus on the more important things, sharping up my skills, and building up my portfolio. That's what I'm going to do.

Till next time....;)

Brittani Millington

Hello, I'm Brittani aka BT!

I help empower the person behind the brand elevate it by connecting the lines of design and business that will have an impact through strategic, visual identities, print design, and web experiences. Bringing their driven purpose mission to life.

Other things about me: The Office, Oldest of 8 kids, I try to keep plants alive, & I miss Paris France.

Thoughts At The Moment....Twitter


Being M.I.A